Joemily Hernandez


– Immigration Paralegal of Paralegal Institute of the America
– MBA at Westfield Business School
– Master’s Degree in Management from UNITEC Venezuela
– Bachelor in Marketing from the José Antonio Paez University 

Joemily Hernandez  is is a Case Manager. She was born in Venezuela and moved to the U.S. in June of 2014. She has been with us since January 2016. As such, she is in charge of supporting the attorneys and overseeing the case management process. As an immigrant herself she fell in love with her role with the firm. Her interest in learning more about immigration has only continued to grow.

Joemily has her Paralegal Certification, a U.S. MBA from Westfield Business School and a Master’s Degree in Management from the Central Technological University (UNITEC) of Venezuela. In addition to her Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing from the University Jose Antonio Paez of Venezuela.

Joemily is a dynamic professional, who is proactive, committed, and goal-oriented. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, her dog, and friends, she also loves dancing and reading books.